Past Exhibition

Recent Paintings and Works on Paper
Peg's Gallery
January 17, 2018 — March 20, 2018
About the Artist

Jose Sacaridiz is a full-time working artist and teacher.
As an Adjunct Professor at the Cleveland Institute of Art’s Department of Continuing Education and Community Outreach for the past six years, he has taught classes that have included many diverse disciplines.
He has been chosen to attend the Haystack Mountain School of Craft as a resident artist exploring other areas of creativity. In 2005 he traveled to Peru teaching art and ESL throughout the country in both private and rural schools. Upon returning, he became an instructor at the Bennington Arts Exchange in Vermont, as well as other art centers throughout the northeast. After relocating to Ohio, he was invited to be the Artist In Residence and teach at the Cuyahoga Valley Art Center and later became its Board President.
He has had more than 20 exhibitions of his work at galleries and universities in New York, Vermont, Illinois and Ohio.
Jose has also been deeply committed to developing creative programs for both the intellectually and physically challenged. These efforts have been supported by generous contributions from individuals and state and private foundations.