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Past Exhibition

Expressions Of Recovery

Peg's Gallery

January 26, 2016 — March 29, 2016

In an effort to foster the creative spirit in the organization while also providing another avenue of treatment, Community Support Services began offering art therapy in 2015. The artwork featured in “Expressions of Recovery” captures the imagination of several clients who participated in the new program.

Art therapy uses the art media, the creative process, and the resulting artwork to explore feelings, reconcile emotional conflicts, foster self-awareness, manage behavior and addictions, develop social skills, improve reality orientation, reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem. Art therapy may be offered in group and individual formats. The overall aim of art therapists is to enable a client to effect change and growth on a personal level through the use of art materials in a safe and facilitating environment.  

Artist Statements

A Paradigm Shift in the Heart

Confusion and uncertainty, plus a misunderstood stigmatized label translated to much heartbreak in many areas of life, as conditions shift almost 180 degrees. The communication, compassion, caring, and belief of others helped open my heart. As the love for myself and a strength within grow, possibilities of a fresh new start blossoms.

Life Preservers

The deep blue background of this piece represents the dark sea of depression that I often swim in. Through the process of my recovery I have learned to focus on my positive thoughts and emotions. I cling to these like life preservers when I am awash in bad times and they help keep me afloat until things get better.

The Demon Called Anger

This piece shows my struggle with my anger. Along with depression, anger has been a big part of my life. The blues and purples represent the calm areas of my psyche. The scattered red represents the ever pervasive presence of anger. The small scattered areas of white represent periods of hope and calm.

Aborigines Dream

This series of masks represents my lifelong struggle with mental illness. The dark blue and black colors are a representation of the depression that I deal with. The reds and yellows show the happiness that my recovery has enabled me to feel. The stars and the crystals show the periods of pure joy that I now have in my life.

Alien Sky

This piece represents my desire to be alone and away from people. When I am having a bout of depression I tend to isolate myself. I often imagine that I am the only living being in an alien world, however during the course of my recovery I have learned to step out of my box and reach out to others instead of pushing them away.

Wintry Empty Tree

This picture represents the emptiness I feel inside, specifically the snow. I hide the emptiness from the world.

The Empty Tree

This picture represents the emptiness I feel inside and the branches represent reaching out in different directions.

The Abandoned House

This series represents the loneliness I feel in this world, and that everything is so far away. I feel distant and disconnected at times.

Sparkling Fall Day

This picture represents fall, my favorite season, as the turning of the colors of the leaves is a new beginning.


When you look at this painting it expresses the “different” color of feelings and the tree expresses the feelings of empty and alone. It also describes the happiness and sad feelings in our world.

Sweet Valley

Sweet valley expresses a small and quiet town that I lived in where everyone was nice and I would look out at the sky and see such a wonderful blue with a beautiful rainbow after the rain.

Blue Hearts

Hearing a diagnosis I knew nothing about was heartbreaking. My identity at that time was all about health…[I was] completely shattered and confused about how to move forward. The shades and textures of blue indicate layers of sadness. The number of hearts shows this affected major areas of my life. The hearts falling symbolizes observing my confidence in capability of doing things changing.

    AND then opening up to…

 Pink Hearts

Loved ones believing in me more than I do in myself, and working with those schooled to have a raised level of understanding is helpful and very essential to my  health. LOVE is…solid, constant, and sometimes I need to peel back layers of fear to uncover it. Bright pink colors are the beautiful feelings of love. The multiple number of hearts show different support teams. Drawing the hearts upright means it is possible to have challenges in life and come out stronger, more loving, and accepting of myself. Always a learning process.